Thursday, November 24, 2011

Retained Earning (Laba Ditahan) di OpenERP


In process to blogging and sharing my knowledge in OpenERP.
Start with posting about getting retained earning for Balance Sheet Report in OpenERP..

Chek this out...

Monday, November 21, 2011

show products on magento homepage


okay, I'm starting to seriously manage my own provate project that is create an online store.
After, browsing, asking etc I found magento as the best free online store I found.
the important thing is it has a good free templates hehe...

the most difficult is how to show products on magento home page.
I thought it should be default, but it is not.

After searching some documentation, I found this good link
So, simple.
1. Create product category (set active as no). It just to collect all products to show up in home page
2. Create products and set category to your home page category
3. Update attributes of products and set it to show in main website
4. Make sure you have update inventory of that product
5. Set up cms homepage content. Add this block:
{{block type="catalog/product_list" category_id="10" template="catalog/product/list.phtml"}}  
Change category_id to number ID that can you see in category management

Full (ID: 10) 

So category_id is 10

that is...
hope this help

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

enable remote access PostgreSQL in Windows


So, in my current office I am not using Ubuntu more...
I have to use Windows server 2008 as my application server.

Just same when I use Ubuntu...  I should learn from zera how to maintain a server... haha
okay... back to the topic...

I installer PostgreSQL 8.4 on server
and want that database can be accessed remotely...

In ubuntu the steps is easy like my post before enable-remote-access-postgresql
In windows the steps are same, which are
- edit pg_hba.conf
- edit postgresql.conf
- restart server

OKay... it easy but I always failed...
Because I was totally wrong placing file pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf
I placed them on root of postgre folder
because some blog said that...

then, after read this blog
I just knew that it should be placed on data dictionary...

It just I place data dictionary in "D" space not "C"
so, I didnt realize that folder...


Ohya don't forget to add New Line in last line of file pg_hba.conf

Hope this help...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

[openerp] The modules menu is missing!!


what a shock, that I couldn't found modules menu on menu administration in openerp although I've login as administrator...
That menu is very important to install update new modules...

Then I gugling, and found a very simple solution..
that is switch your interface mode from simplified to be extended.

Just it!

Hope this help :D

Monday, June 20, 2011

[openerp] ZipImportError: bad local file header in


Today I just learned how to create a simple module in openerp...
I read this sources:

There are some different method from that two sources:
  1. The first source using file named as module descriptor file, but the 2nd source using file named
    I don't why they using different file name... I will find out later
  2. the first source says that we should zip folder as then instal to openerp through menu administration/import module,
    but the 2nd source says that we just put the folder into folder openerpserver/addons but dont know the next procedure
So, I have try the first source and it was install successfully..
then I tried the 2nd source but with 1st source method to install the module.
  1. Zip the module
  2. Go to menu administration/modules/import module
  3. attach the zip file
  4. go to menu modules
  5. search module name I created
  6. click schedule for installation
  7. apply schedule upgrades
but it raises error such these:
openerp ZipImportError: bad local file header in

I search in google and founf this answer (
in server, unzip in addons/student_info (but warning, you do not have addons/student_info/student_info)
in client go to administration->modules, update list of modules, install your module.
If you use dia to build your modules, or generally, unzip it in addons before, and update list of modules.

SO, the solution is:
  1. cancelling the installation of module
  2. unzip the in openerpserver/addons/
  3. remove file
  4. click menu administration/modules/update modules list
  5. search for my modulname
  6. schedule for installation
  7. apply schedule upgrades
then I can see the real error,
I fix it directly in openerpserver/addons/modulename
then I click apply schedule upgrades until success information appear

btw, the 2nd source will make you dizzy
because we will found some error when implemented that...
it just because different text fonts when you use quotes and double quotes
and there a line missing in
which is:
from osv import osv, fields
in first line

Hope this help

[python] NameError: name 'self' is not defined


I'm currentlt learning about python..
I take this web as my guide.

then in lesson 8 which i learn about how to create class i got problem...

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:/workspace/openerp/sourcecode/phython/", line 1, in ?
class Shape:
File "D:/workspace/openerp/sourcecode/phython/", line 17, in Shape
self.y = self.y * scale
NameError: name 'self' is not defined

I gugling... and found these simple answer in this link

The exception is happening while the class is being defined, which means that your indentation is off. Tabs in Python are equivalent to 8 spaces, so if all the preceding lines are using tabs and your tabstop is set to 4 spaces then the indentation only looks correct.

wuihihi... so make sure you use the correct IDE :D

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

install sun-java on lucid


lagi2 .. ini hal yang sering aku cari tapi sering lupa
lagi2 buru2 yaa...

package java default di lucid lynx 10.04 adalah openjdk
tapi, beberapa installer tidak bisa comply dengan openjdk tsb..
jadi musti pake sun-java

karena itu, langkahnya adalah:
edit file /etc/apt/sources.list

deb lucid partner

lalu sudo apt-get update
baru deh cek aja:
sudo apt-cache search java

bisa terlihat sejumlah package yang depannya sun-java

SO, selamat menginstallll

libkrb53 1.6.dfsg.2


langsung aja ya, karena buru2 nih nulisnya.
Awalnya aku mau install postgresql-8.2 di PC dengan ubuntu 10.04 lucid lynx 32bit.
karena gak ada package nya.. kebetulan aku udah download manual package2 yang bersesuaian.

jadi, yang dilakukan adalah:
# sudo dpkg -i postgresql-client-common_87_all.deb
# sudo dpkg -i postgresql-common_87_all.deb
# sudo dpkg -i postgresql-client-8.2_8.2.7-1_i386.deb
# sudo dpkg -i libpq5_8.3.8-0ubuntu8.04_i386.deb
# sudo dpkg -i postgresql-8.2_8.2.7-1_i386.deb

eh di step terakhir malah muncul error yang intinya ada dependensi ke libkrb53 (>=1.6.dfsg.2)

dicari2 muter2 gk nemu tuh package..
ternyata itu salah satu bugs...

dapet solusi sementara spt di:
(lihat di comment #6)

intinya buat libkrb53 palsu dengan
buat file misal krb.txt

yang isinya:

Package: libkrb53
Version: 1.6.dfsg.2+fake1
Depends: libkrb5-3, libgssapi-krb5-2, libk5crypto3, libkrb5support0

lalu jalankan dengan equivs

sudo equivs-build krb.txt

*install dulu package equivs yang juga belibet

akhirnya ke-generate file: libkrb53_1.6.dfsg.2+fake1_all.deb

baru deh jalanin
sudo dpkg -i libkrb53_1.6.dfsg.2+fake1_all.deb

baru deh lancar jalankan :
# sudo dpkg -i postgresql-8.2_8.2.7-1_i386.deb

Semoga membantu :)