Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Convert ogg file to mp3

In last friday, I bought an original CD "Laskar Pelangi"... for the first time I bought with my own money !!!! yippi..

Then the problem is the files in that CD can't copied easily like I bought an pirated cd. It can use software "Alcohol" in windows OS..
But because I used "ubuntu" I use sound juicer to copied all the content of CD. And it worked.

But, it produced files with "ogg" extension. not with "mp3" extension which familiar with my ears. and it not suitable for some music tools.

So, I asked my friend how to convert "ogg" to "mp3". Then I got an answer that is used software "ffmpeg"

I do this steps:
mawaddah@mawaddah-laptop# sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
mawaddah@mawaddah-laptop# ffmpeg -i fileinogg.ogg -ab 128 fileinoggtomp3.mp3

and it worked.. =D


  1. Install pluginnya aja. Gak perlu convert 2 kali

  2. Simple correction - it should be "-ab 128k"
